Hosted by
// $Date: 2004/03/01 01:45:03 $ // $Revision: 1.39 $ // $Author: jcrocholl $
require('heads.php'); require('formats.php');
$indent_chars = 3; // how many characters to indent per level $indent_level = 0; // current indentation level $indent_conti = 2; // indentation for continuing lines
// each of these regex shortcuts // has exactly one paren group $i = '([\w\.\']+|\"[<=>\+\-\*\/\&]+\"|\"abs\")'; // identifier $c = '--\s*(.*)'; // comment $p = '\((.+?)\)'; // parameters
// regex shortcut for variables $v = "/^(|\()\s*($i(\s*,\s*$i)*)\s*:\s*" . "(in)*\s*(out)*\s*(constant|access)*\s*" . "$i(|$p)\s*(|:=\s*(.+?))\s*"; function output($text) { global $comment_block; if ($comment_block) myprint($comment_block); $comment_block = '';
global $head; if ($head) myprint(format_head($head));
myprint($text); global $continuing; $continuing = 0; }
function unindent(&$text) { $text = str_replace(indent(), '', $text); }
$auto_comments = array(); function auto_comments() { global $head, $comment_block, $auto_comments; global $auto_comments_save, $auto_comments_load; $signature = signature($head);
if ($comment_block) { // print $comment_block; $head['comments'][] = $comment_block; $comment_block = ''; }
if ($auto_comments_save) { print "storing $signature\n"; if (array_key_exists($signature, $auto_comments)) exit("error: duplicate method signature:\n$signature\n"); $auto_comments[$signature] = $head['comments']; if (!array_key_exists($signature, $auto_comments)) exit("error: saving comments failed\n"); }
if ($auto_comments_load) { print "loading $signature\n"; if (array_key_exists($signature, $auto_comments)) { $head['comments'] = $auto_comments[$signature]; } else { print "warning: loading comments failed, only the following signatures found:\n"; foreach (array_keys($auto_comments) as $key) print " $key\n"; } } }
function parse($filename) { global $i, $c, $p, $v; global $parsefilename, $line_number, $line; global $procedure_is; global $indent_level, $indent_conti, $continuing; global $comment_block; global $head;
$parsefilename = $filename; $input = file($parsefilename); while ($input) { $line_number++; $line = trim(array_shift($input));
if ($line_number == 1 and !preg_match('/^--\s\$' . 'Date/', $line)) { output(comment('-- $' . 'Date$') . newline()); output(comment('-- $' . 'Revision$') . newline()); output(comment('-- $' . 'Author$') . newline()); output(newline()); } if (preg_match("/^$/", $line, $m)) { $procedure_is = false; output(newline()); // comments } elseif (preg_match("/^--(\s*)(.*?)$/", $line, $m)) { if ($m[1]) $m[1] = fill('', length($m[1])); if ($head) output(format_head($head)); $comment_block .= indent() . comment("--$m[1]$m[2]") . newline(); // with and use clauses } elseif (preg_match("/^with\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('with ') . package($m[1]) . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^use\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('use ') . package($m[1]) . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^use\s+type\s+($i(,\s*$i))*\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('use ') . keyword('type ')); output(illegal($m[1]) . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^with\s+$i\s*;\s*" . "use\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('with ') . package($m[1]) . '; '); output(keyword('use ') . package($m[2]) . ';' . newline()); // generic and private } elseif (preg_match("/^(generic)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword($m[1]) . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^(private)$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword($m[1]) . newline()); $indent_level++; // package } elseif (preg_match("/^(package)\s+((body)\s+)*$i\s+(is)(\s+(.+);)*$/", $line, $m)) { if (!$package_name) { $package_name = $m[4]; $indent_level = 1; unindent($comment_block); } else output(indent()); output(keyword($m[1])); if ($m[3]) output(keyword(" $m[3]")); output(name(" $m[4] ") . keyword($m[5])); if ($m[7]) { if (preg_match("/^new\s+$i(\((.+)\))$/", $m[7], $m2)) { output(keyword(' new ') . package($m2[1])); if ($m2[2]) output('(' . illegal($m2[3]) . ')'); } else output(illegal(" $m[7]")); output(';'); } elseif ($package_name != $m[4]) { $procedure_is = true; $indent_level++; } output(newline()); // types } elseif (preg_match("/^((sub)*type)\s+$i(|$p)\s*(is)\s+(.+?)\s*(|;)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword($m[1]) . type(" $m[3]")); if ($m[5]) output('(' . bounds($m[5]) . ')'); output(keyword(" $m[6]")); if (preg_match("/^(|abstract\s+)(|tagged\s+)(|limited\s+)record$/", $m[7], $m2)) { if ($m2[1]) output(keyword(' abstract')); if ($m2[2]) output(keyword(' tagged')); if ($m2[3]) output(keyword(' limited')); output(keyword(' record')); $indent_level++; } elseif ($m[7] == 'private') { output(keyword(" $m[7]")); } elseif (preg_match("/^(access)\s+$i$/", $m[7], $m2)) { output(keyword(" $m2[1] ") . type($m2[2])); } elseif (preg_match("/^new\s+$i*\s+with\s+" . "(record|null\s+record)$/", $m[7], $m2)) { output(keyword(' new ') . type($m2[1]) . keyword(' with ')); if ($m2[2] == 'record') { output(keyword('record')); $indent_level++; } else { output(keyword('null ') . keyword('record')); } } elseif ($m[7]) { output(typespec(" $m[7]")); } output($m[8] . newline()); if (!$m[8]) $continuing = $indent_conti; } elseif (preg_match("/^(type)\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword($m[1]) . type(" $m[2]") . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^(type)\s+$i(\((.+)\))*\s+(is)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword($m[1]) . type(" $m[2]")); if ($m[3]) output('(' . modifier($m[4]) . ')'); output(keyword(" $m[5]") . newline()); $indent_level++; $procedure_is = true; } elseif (preg_match("/^(new)\s+$i(\((.+)\))*\s+(with)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent(-1) . keyword($m[1]) . type(" $m[2]")); if ($m[3]) output('(' . actual($m[4]) . ')'); if ($m[5]) { output(keyword(" $m[5]")); } else { $indent_level--; } output(newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^(|abstract\s+)(|tagged\s+)(|limited\s+)(record)$/", $line, $m)) { $extra_record_indent = true; output(indent()); if ($m[1]) output(keyword('abstract ')); if ($m[2]) output(keyword('tagged ')); if ($m[3]) output(keyword('limited ')); output(keyword('record') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^array\s*$p\s+of\s+$i;/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent(2)); output(keyword('array') . '(' . actual($m[1]) . ')'); output(keyword(' of ') . type($m[2]) . ';'); output(newline());
// exceptions } elseif (preg_match("/^$i\s*:\s*exception(|;)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . $m[1] . ' : ' . type('exception')); if ($m[2]) output(';'); else $indent_level++; output(newline()); // generic and renamed procedures } elseif (preg_match("/^procedure\s+$i\s+is\s+new\s+(.+)\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('procedure ') . name($m[1]) . keyword(' is')); output(keyword(' new ') . illegal($m[2]) . ';' . newline()); } elseif ($procedure_is and preg_match("/^new\s+(.+)\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent(-1) . keyword('new ') . generic($m[1]) . ';' . newline()); $indent_level--; } elseif (preg_match("/^renames\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent(2) . keyword('renames ') . $m[1] . ';' . newline()); // procedures and functions } elseif (preg_match("/^(|with\s+)(function|procedure)\s+$i(|\s+(is))$/", $line, $m)) { if (!$m[1] and !$package_name) $package_name = $m[3]; $procedure_is = $m[5] == 'is'; $indent_level++; if ($m[1]) $head['with'] = 'with '; $head['type'] = $m[2]; $head['name'] = $m[3]; if ($procedure_is) { auto_comments(); output(format_head($head, 'is')); } } elseif (preg_match("/^function\s+$i\s+return\s+$i(|$p)\s*(;|is)\s*(|$c)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('function ') . name($m[1])); output(keyword(' return ') . type($m[2])); if ($m[4]) output('(' . bounds($m[4]) . ')'); if ($m[5] == 'is') { $indent_level++; output(keyword(' is')); } else output(';'); output(newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^(|with\s+)function\s+$i(|$p)\s+" . "return\s+$i\s*(;|is\s+<>\s*;)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent()); if ($m[1]) output(keyword('with ')); output(keyword('function ') . name($m[2])); if ($m[4]) output('(' . illegal($m[4]) . ')'); output(keyword(' return ') . type($m[5])); if ($m[6] == ';') { output(';'); } else { output(keyword(' is') . ' <>;'); } output(newline()); // variables } elseif ((preg_match("$v(|\))\s*(|;|is)\s*(|$c)$/", $line, $m) and check_parens($m[11]) and check_parens($m[13])) or (preg_match("$v()\s*(;|is)\s*(|$c)$/", $line, $m) and check_parens($m[11]) and check_parens($m[13]))) { // _variable($name, $mode, $type, $bound, $initial, $comment) add_variable($head, $m[2], "$m[6]$m[7]$m[8]", $m[9], $m[11], $m[13], $m[17]); // param($m[1], "$m[3]$m[4]$m[5]", $m[6], $m[7], $m[9], $m[12]); // print "$m[17]<br/>\n"; // should be the comment if ($m[14]) { // closing paren if ($head['type'] == 'procedure') { auto_comments(); output(format_head($head, $m[15])); if ($m[15] == ';') $indent_level--; } elseif ($head['type'] == 'function') { if ($m[15]) exit("error: function return value is missing\n"); } } // function return values } elseif ($head['type'] == 'function' and preg_match("/^return\s+$i(|$p)\s*(|;|is)\s*(|$c)$/", $line, $m)) { // print "function match<br/>\n"; // _variable($head, $name, $mode, $type, $bound, $initial, $comment) add_variable($head, '', 'return', $m[1], $m[3], '', $m[6]); auto_comments(); output(format_head($head, $m[4])); if ($m[4] == ';') $indent_level--; // function / procedure neck: is } elseif (preg_match("/^is$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('is') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^is\s+(<>|abstract);$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent(2) . keyword('is ')); if ($m[1] == '<>') output('<>'); else output(keyword($m[1])); output(';'. newline()); // pragma } elseif (preg_match("/^pragma\s+(.+?)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('pragma ') . illegal($m[1]) . newline()); if (!preg_match('/;(|\s*--.+)$/', $m[1])) $continuing = $indent_conti; // declare } elseif (preg_match("/^declare$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('declare') . newline()); $declare_end = true; $indent_level++; // begin } elseif (preg_match("/^begin$/", $line, $m)) { $procedure_is = false; if ($head['names']) output(format_head($head)); $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('begin') . newline()); $indent_level++; // loop } elseif (preg_match("/^loop/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('loop') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^while\s+(.+?)\s+loop/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('while ') . illegal($m[1])); output(keyword(' loop') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^for\s+(.+?)\s+in\s+(.+?)\s+loop/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('for ')); output(illegal($m[1]) . keyword(' in ') . illegal($m[2])); output(keyword(' loop') . newline()); $indent_level++; // if } elseif (preg_match("/^if\s+(.+?)\s+then\s+(.+?)\s+end\s+if\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('if ') . illegal($m[1]) . keyword(' then ')); output(illegal($m[2]) . keyword(' end ') . keyword('if') . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^((els)*if)\s+(.+?)\s+then(|\s+(.+))$/", $line, $m)) { if ($m[2]) $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword("$m[1] ")); output(illegal($m[3]) . keyword(' then')); if ($m[5]) output(' ' . illegal($m[5])); output(newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^(if|elsif|and|or|while)(\s+(then)|\s+(else)|)\s+(.+?)$/", $line, $m)) { if ($m[1] == 'elsif') $indent_level--; output(indent($continuing) . keyword($m[1])); if ($m[3]) output(keyword(" $m[3]")); if ($m[4]) output(keyword(" $m[4]")); output(illegal(" $m[5]") . newline()); $continuing = $indent_conti; } elseif (preg_match("/^then\s*(.*)$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('then')); if ($m[1]) output(' ' . illegal($m[1])); output(newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^else\s+(.+?)$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('else ') . illegal($m[1]) . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^else$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('else') . newline()); $indent_level++; // case and exception } elseif (preg_match("/^case\s+(.+?)\s+is$/", $line, $m)) { output(indent() . keyword('case ') . illegal($m[1])); output(keyword(' is') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^exception$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('exception') . newline()); $indent_level++; } elseif (preg_match("/^when\s+(.+?)\s*=>\s*(.*)/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('when ') . illegal($m[1])); output(' =>'); if ($m[2]) output(' ' . illegal($m[2])); output(newline()); $indent_level++;
// end } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent()); if ($declare_end) output(keyword('end') . ';'); else output(illegal($line)); output(newline()); $declare_end = false; } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s+record\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { output(format_head($head)); $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('end') . keyword(' record') . ';' . newline()); if ($extra_record_indent) $indent_level--; $extra_record_indent = false; } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s+if\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('end') . keyword(' if') . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s+loop\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('end') . keyword(' loop') . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s+case\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('end') . keyword(' case') . ';' . newline()); } elseif (preg_match("/^end\s+$i\s*;$/", $line, $m)) { $indent_level--; output(indent() . keyword('end ') . name($m[1]) . ';' . newline()); // all other stuff is illegal } else { output(indent($continuing) . illegal($line) . newline()); if (!preg_match('/;(|\s*--.+)$/', $line)) $continuing = $indent_conti; } } }