Hosted by
// $Date: 2004/03/01 01:44:25 $ // $Revision: 1.16 $ // $Author: jcrocholl $
$adofilename = $argv[1]; $dont_clear_head = true;
if ($adofilename and !$argv[2]) $input = file($adofilename); else die("usage: $0 <input.ado>\n");
if (preg_match('/^(.*?)([^\/]+)\.ado$/', $adofilename, $m)) { $filepath = $m[1]; $filestem = $m[2]; } else die("error: accept only .ado files");
// if ($adofilehandle = fopen($adofilename, 'r')) { // fclose($adofilehandle); // } else die("Cannot open file $outfilename\n");
$indent_level = 2; require('plain.php'); require('formats.php'); require('heads.php');
function nametolower($input) { $output = strtolower($input); $output = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $output);; return $output; }
function accessors($object, $package, $name, $type, $initial, $access) { global $create_head, $create_body, $create_args; global $ads_methods, $adb_methods;
if (preg_match('/^(.+_(List|Hash_Table))_Access$/', $type, $m)) { if ($create_body) $create_body .= "\n"; $create_body .= " Result.$name := $m[1]s.Create;"; }
foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $access) as $a) { if ($a == 'Create') { add_variable($create_head, $name, 'in', $type, '', $initial, "The initial " . nametolower($name) . ".");
if ($create_body) $create_body .= "\n"; if ($type == 'String') $create_body .= " To_String_Access($name, Result.$name);"; else $create_body .= " Result.$name := $name;";
if ($create_args) $create_args .= ', '; $create_args .= $name; // print "create args: $create_args\n"; } elseif ($a == 'Get') { $head = array(); $head['type'] = 'function'; $head['name'] = "Get_$name"; add_variable($head, 'This', 'access', $object, '', '', "The " . nametolower($object) . " to read from."); add_variable($head, '', 'return', $type, '', '', "The " . nametolower($name) . " of that " . nametolower($object) . "."); $head['comments'][] = " -- Accessor to read the " . nametolower($name) . " of a " . nametolower($object).".\n"; if ($ads_methods) $ads_methods .= "\n"; if ($adb_methods) $adb_methods .= "\n"; $ads_methods .= format_head($head, ';'); $adb_methods .= format_head($head, 'is'); $adb_methods .= " begin\n"; if ($type == 'String') $adb_methods .= " return To_String(This.$name);\n"; else $adb_methods .= " return This.$name;\n"; $adb_methods .= " end Get_$name;\n"; } elseif ($a == 'Set') { $head = array(); $head['type'] = 'procedure'; $head['name'] = "Set_$name"; add_variable($head, 'This', 'access', $object, '', '', "The " . nametolower($object) . " to be updated."); add_variable($head, $name, 'in', $type, '', $initial, "The new " . nametolower($name) . " of that " . nametolower($object) . "."); $head['comments'][] = " -- Mutator to update the " . nametolower($name) . " of a " . nametolower($object).".\n";
if ($ads_methods) $ads_methods .= "\n"; if ($adb_methods) $adb_methods .= "\n" ; $ads_methods .= format_head($head, ';'); $adb_methods .= format_head($head, 'is'); $adb_methods .= " begin\n"; if ($type == 'String') $adb_methods .= " To_String_Access($name, This.$name);\n"; else $adb_methods .= " This.$name := $name;\n"; $adb_methods .= " end Set_$name;\n"; } } }
function add_this(&$head, $object) { add_variable($head, 'This', 'access', $object, '', '', 'The ' . nametolower($object) . ' object instance.'); }
function method($type, $name, $abstract, $is) { global $object, $input; global $ads_methods, $adb_methods; $head['type'] = $type; $head['name'] = $name; $first_variable = true; $begin = false; while ($input) { $line = trim(array_shift($input)); if ($is) break; if (preg_match('/^\(*(.+?)\s*:\s*(in|access)*\s*(out)*\s*(\S+?)' . '(|\s*:=\s*(\S.+?))' . '(\s*\)\s*is|\s*\)\s*;|\s*;|\s*\)|)' . '\s*(|--\s+(.+))$/x', $line, $m)) { if (!$m[9]) die("error: method $name parameter $m[1] has no comment\n"); if ($first_variable and $m[1] != 'This') add_this($head, $object); $first_variable = false; add_variable($head, $m[1], "$m[2]$m[3]", $m[4], '', $m[6], $m[9]); } else { break; // outta here! } }
if ($first_variable) add_this($head, $object); if ($type == 'function') { // die("$line\n"); if (preg_match('/^return\s*(\S+?)(|\s*;|\s+is)\s*(|--\s+(.+))$/x', $line, $m)) { if (!$m[3]) die("error: return type of function $name has no comment\n"); add_variable($head, '', 'return', $m[1], '', '', $m[4]); $line = trim(array_shift($input)); } else { print "found: $line\n"; die("error: function $name has no return type\n"); } }
if ($line == 'begin') { $is = true; $begin = true; } elseif ($line == 'is') { $is = true; $line = trim(array_shift($input)); }
if ($is and !$begin) { while ($input) { if (preg_match('/^--/', $line)) break; // outta here! if ($line == 'begin') break; // outta here! if ($line) $line = " $line"; $declarations .= "$line\n"; $line = trim(array_shift($input)); } }
while (preg_match('/^--\s/', $line)) { $comment .= " $line\n"; $line = trim(array_shift($input)); } $head['comments'][] = $comment;
if ($is) { if ($line != 'begin') die("error in $name: expected 'begin', found '$line'\n"); $begin = true; $line = array_shift($input); }
while (true) { if (!trim($line) and !$begin) break; if (trim($line) == 'end;') break; $line = ' ' . $line; if (!$begin) $line = ' ' . $line; $line = rtrim($line); $body .= "$line\n"; if (!$input) break; $line = array_shift($input); }
if ($abstract) { if ($ads_methods) $ads_methods .= "\n"; $ads_methods .= format_head($head, ''); $ads_methods .= " is abstract;\n"; } else { if ($ads_methods) $ads_methods .= "\n"; $ads_methods .= format_head($head, ';');
if ($adb_methods) $adb_methods .= "\n" ; if ($declarations) { $adb_methods .= format_head($head, ''); $adb_methods .= " is\n"; $adb_methods .= $declarations; } else { $adb_methods .= format_head($head, 'is'); } $adb_methods .= " begin\n"; $adb_methods .= $body; $adb_methods .= " end $name;\n"; } }
function read_attributes(&$input, $object) { global $strings; global $attr_head;
while ($input) { $line = trim(array_shift($input)); if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $line)) break; if (preg_match('/^\s*end\s+record\s*;\s*$/', $line)) break; preg_match('/^(\S+)\s*\:\s*([^\s\:;]+?)(|\s*:=\s*(\S.*?))\s*;' . '\s*(|[^\s-][^-]*[^\s-])\s*(|--\s+(.+))$/', $line, $m); $name = $m[1]; $type = $m[2]; $initial = $m[4]; $access = $m[5]; $comment = $m[7]; // print "$name, $type, $initial, $access, $comment\n"; accessors($object, $package, $name, $type, $initial, $access); if ($type == 'String') { $type = 'String_Access'; $strings = 1; } add_variable($attr_head, $name, '', $type, '', $initial, $comment); } }
function package_name($object) { $package = $object; if (preg_match('/^(.+)_Data$/', $package, $m2)) $package = $m2[1]; if (preg_match('/^(.+)_Collector$/', $package, $m2)) return $m2[1]; if (preg_match('/^(.+)_Printer$/', $package, $m2)) return $m2[1]; if (preg_match('/^(.+)_Box$/', $package, $m2)) $package = $m2[1]; if (preg_match('/tch$/', $package)) $package .= 'e'; if (preg_match('/x$/', $package)) $package .= 'e'; if ($package != 'Music' and $package != 'Simple' and !preg_match('/s$/', $package)) $package .= 's'; return $package; }
function read_parent_attr($object, $extends) { global $filepath; global $attr_head; global $create_args, $create_head, $create_body; global $ads_methods, $adb_methods; $package = package_name($extends); $filestem = strtolower($package); $filename = "$filepath$filestem.ado"; if (!file_exists($filename)) die("parent file $filename not found\n"); $input = file($filename); while ($input) { $line = trim(array_shift($input)); if (preg_match('/^(attributes)\s*$/', $line, $m) or preg_match("/type\s+$extends\s+is(|\s+.+)\s+record\s*\$/", $line, $m)) { read_attributes($input, $object); if ($create_args) $create_args = "($create_args)"; $object_access = $object . '_Access'; // $create_body = " Result := $object($package.Create$create_args.All)'Access;"; // die("create head " . $create_head['types'][0] . "\n"); $attr_head = array(); $ads_methods = ''; $adb_methods = ''; break; } } }
$state = ''; while ($input) { $line = rtrim(array_shift($input)); // Convert legacy object declarations to new style. $line2 = ''; if (preg_match('/^\s*(|abstract\s+)(|tagged\s+)object\s+(\S+)' . '(|\s+extends\s+(\S+))\s*$/', $line, $m)) { if ($m[1]) $line2 .= 'abstract '; $line2 .= "type $m[3]"; $line2 .= ' is'; if ($m[5]) $line2 .= " new $m[5] with"; if ($m[2]) $line2 .= ' tagged'; $line2 .= ' record'; // print("old: $line\n"); // print("new: $line2\n"); // die("converted\n"); $line = $line2; }
if (preg_match('/^\s*(|abstract\s+)type\s+(\S+)\s+is\s+' . '(|new\s+(\S+)\s+with\s+)(|tagged\s+)(|null\s+)record\s*;*$/', $line, $m)) {
$abstract = $m[1]; if ($abstract) $abstract = ' abstract'; $tagged = $m[5]; if ($tagged) $tagged = ' tagged';
$null = $m[6];
$object = $m[2]; // $create_body = " Result := new $object;";
$extends = $m[4]; if ($extends) read_parent_attr($object, $extends);
$object_access = $object . '_Access'; $object_lower = nametolower($object); $object_hyphen = str_replace(' ', '-', $object_lower); // print "$object_lower\n";
$package = package_name($object); if ($extends) $package = package_name($extends) . '.' . $package;
// read attributes, unless legacy style if (!$line2 and !$null) read_attributes($input, $object); }
if (preg_match('/^(|body-)with\s+(\S.+\S)\s*$/', $line, $m)) { foreach (preg_split('/\s+/', $m[2]) as $pkg) { if (preg_match('/\+(.+)/', $pkg, $m2)) $pkg = "$m2[1]; use $m2[1]"; if (!$m[1]) $with .= "with $pkg;\n"; else $body_with .= "with $pkg;\n"; } }
if (preg_match('/^(|abstract\s+)(procedure|function)\s+' . '([^\s;]+)(\s+(is)|\s*;|)\s*$/', $line, $m)) { method($m[2], $m[3], $m[1], $m[5]); }
if (trim($line) == 'end;') $state = ''; elseif (trim($line) == 'attributes') read_attributes($input, $object); elseif (trim($line) == 'pre-public') $state = trim($line); elseif (trim($line) == 'post-public') $state = trim($line); elseif (trim($line) == 'pre-private') $state = trim($line); else { if (preg_match('/^(--.+\S)/', $line, $m)) $head_comment .= "$m[1]\n"; else { if (preg_match('/\S/', $line)) $line = ' ' . $line; if ($state == 'pre-public') { $pre_public .= "$line\n"; } elseif ($state == 'post-public') { $post_public .= "$line\n"; } elseif ($state == 'pre-private') { $pre_private .= "$line\n"; } } }
$object_access = $object . '_Access';
if ($pre_public) $pre_public .= "\n"; if ($post_public) $post_public .= "\n"; if ($pre_private) $pre_private .= "\n"; if ($body_with) $body_with .= "\n"; if ($create_body) $create_body .= "\n"; if ($with) $with .= "\n"; if ($strings) { $with .= "with Strings; use Strings;\n\n"; }
add_variable($create_head, '', 'return', $object_access, '', '', "The newly created " . nametolower($object) . "."); $create_head['comments'][] = " -- Constructor for instances.\n"; $create_head['type'] = 'function'; $create_head['name'] = 'Create'; // add_variable($create_var, 'Result', '', $object_access, '', '', ''); // if ($extends) { // add_variable($create_var, 'Result', '', $object_access, '', // "$extends.Create($parent_create_args)", ''); // } else { add_variable($create_var, 'Result', '', $object_access, '', "new $object", ''); // }
if (!$abstract) { if ($ads_methods) $ads_methods = "\n" . $ads_methods; $ads_methods = format_head($create_head, ';') . $ads_methods;
if ($adb_methods) $adb_methods = "\n" . $adb_methods; $adb_methods = format_head($create_head, '') . " is\n" . format_head($create_var, '') . " begin $create_body return Result; end Create; " . $adb_methods; }
if ($extends) $indent_level++; $attributes = format_head($attr_head, '');
$auto_header = ' -- This file was automatically created with ado.php. -- Manual changes will be lost when it is updated. ' . "\n";