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// $Date: 2004/01/25 07:11:12 $ // $Revision: 1.32 $ // $Author: jcrocholl $
function icon($name) { global $root, $fileroot; return "<img class=\"nav\" " . "width=\"16\" height=\"16\" ". "alt=\"\" src=\"$root" . "png/nav/$name.png\" />"; }
function load_subdirs($path, $dir, $collect) { global $root, $icons, $links; $subdirsfile = "$dir/Subdirs"; if (!file_exists($subdirsfile)) return false; $input = file($subdirsfile); foreach ($input as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*.*\S*)\s*$/', $line, $m)) { if ($m[2]) $icons[$m[1]] = $m[2]; if (!$m[3]) $m[3] = "$m[1]/"; $result[$m[1]] = $m[3]; // if ($collect) $links[$m[3]] = "$root$path/$m[1]/"; // print "$m[1] $m[3]<br/>\n"; } } return $result; }
function register_abstract($path, $file, $collect) { global $root, $fileroot; global $links, $abstracts; if ($collect or !$links["$file/"]) $links["$file/"] = "$root$path/$file/"; if ($collect and file_exists("$fileroot$path/$file/Abstract")) { load_links($mylinks, "$fileroot$path/$file/"); $abstracts[$file] = format_file("$fileroot$path/$file/", 'Abstract', $mylinks, false); } // print count($abstracts); }
function cmp_file($a, $b) { global $files; $fa = $files[$a]; $fb = $files[$b]; // print "$a $fa $b $fb<br/>\n"; if ($fa < $fb) return -1; if ($fa > $fb) return 1; if ($a < $b) return -1; if ($a > $b) return 1; return 0; }
function maxlencut(&$text, $max) { if (strlen($text) > $max) $text = substr($text, 0, $max); }
function maxlen_(&$text, $max) { $parts = explode('_', $text); while (strlen($text) > $max) { $max_index = -1; $max_length = 0; foreach ($parts as $index => $part) { $length = strlen($part); if ($length > $max_length) { $max_index = $index; $max_length = $length; } } $part = $parts[$max_index]; maxlencut($part, $max_length - 1); $parts[$max_index] = $part; $text = implode('_', $parts); } }
$navmaxlen = 14; function maxlen(&$text, $max = 14) { $parts = explode('-', $text); while (strlen($text) > $max) { $max_index = -1; $max_length = 0; foreach ($parts as $index => $part) { $length = strlen($part); if ($length > $max_length) { $max_index = $index; $max_length = $length; } } $part = $parts[$max_index]; maxlen_($part, $max_length - 1); $parts[$max_index] = $part; $text = implode('-', $parts); } }
function dir_frame($path, $item, $here, $collect) { global $root, $fileroot, $links, $abstracts, $icons, $files; $files = array(); // print $path; if (preg_match('#^release/[^/]+$#', $path)) return; $frame_head = frame_head('black', icon('open'), "<a class=\"white\" href=\"$root$path\">$item</a>"); $subdirs = load_subdirs($path, "$fileroot$path", $collect); if ($dh = opendir("$fileroot$path")) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file[0] != '.' and $file != 'CVS' and substr($file, 0, 7) != 'roemer-') // exclude release files { $type = filetype("$fileroot$path/$file"); if ($type == 'dir' and !$subdirs) { $files[$file] = '0dir'; register_abstract($path, $file, $collect); } elseif ($type == 'file') { if (preg_match('/(.+)\.ads$/', $file, $matches)) { $files[$matches[1]] = '1ads'; if ($collect or !$links["$file/"]) $links[$matches[1]] = "$root$path/$matches[1].html"; } else if (preg_match('/(.+)\.adb$/', $file, $matches)) { if (!$files[$matches[1]]) $files[$matches[1]] = '2adb'; } else if (preg_match('/(.+)\.php$/', $file, $matches)) { if (!$files[$matches[1]]) $files[$matches[1]] = '3php'; if ($collect or !$links["$file/"]) $links["$matches[1].php"] = "$root$path/$matches[1].php.html"; } elseif (preg_match('/(.+)\.ado$/', $file, $matches)) { } elseif (preg_match('/(.+)\.ali$/', $file, $matches)) { } elseif (preg_match('/(.+)\.o$/', $file, $matches)) { } elseif (preg_match('/([^\.]+)/', $file, $matches)) { } else { $files[$file] = '4other'; } } } } closedir($dh); if ($subdirs) { foreach ($subdirs as $subdir => $text) { $aclass = 'nav'; $icon = 'folder'; if ($here == $subdir) { $aclass = 'here'; $icon = 'open'; } if ($icons[$subdir]) $icon = $icons[$subdir]; frame_row($rows, icon($icon), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root$path/$subdir/\">$text</a>"); $files[$subdir] = '0dir'; register_abstract($path, $subdir, $collect); } } elseif ($files) { uksort($files, "cmp_file"); foreach ($files as $file => $type) { $aclass = 'nav'; if ($type == '0dir') { $link = "$root$path/$file/"; $text = "$file/"; $icon = 'folder'; if ($here == $file) { $aclass = 'here'; $icon = 'open'; } } elseif ($type == '1ads') { $link = "$root$path/$file.html"; $text = $file; $icon = 'package'; if ($here == $text) $aclass = 'here'; if ($here == "$") $aclass = 'here'; if ($here == "$file.adb") $aclass = 'here'; } elseif ($type == '2adb') { $link = "$root$path/$file.adb.html"; $text = "$file.adb"; $icon = 'adb'; if ($here == $text) $aclass = 'here'; } elseif ($type == '3php') { $link = "$root$path/$file.php.html"; $text = "$file.php"; $icon = 'php'; if ($here == $text) $aclass = 'here'; } else { // 4other $link = "$root$path/$file.html"; $text = $file; if ($here == $text) $aclass = 'here'; } maxlen($text); frame_row($rows, icon($icon), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$link\">$text</a>"); } } } if ($collect) { global $absort, $abtitles; if ($subdirs) { $absort = array_keys($subdirs); $abtitles = $subdirs; } elseif ($abstracts) { $absort = array_keys($abstracts); sort($absort); } } if ($rows) print $frame_head . frame_tail($rows); }
function package_frame($path, $item, $here) { global $root, $fileroot, $icons; global $navmaxlen; $text = $item; // print $path; maxlen($text); print frame_head('black', icon('package'), $text); maxlen($text, $navmaxlen - 4); if ($here == "$") $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('ads'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" " . "href=\"$root$\">$</a>"); if (is_file("$fileroot$path.adb")) { if ($here == "$item.adb") $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('adb'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" " . "href=\"$root$path.adb.html\">$text.adb</a>"); } print frame_tail($rows); }
function nav($array, $path) { global $root, $fileroot; $item = array_shift($array); $here = $array[0]; if (!$item) return; $path .= $item; if ($array) nav($array, "$path/", $array[1]); if (is_dir("$fileroot$path")) { dir_frame($path, $item, $here, count($array) == 1); } else { if (preg_match('/^(.+?)(\.ad[sb])*$/', $path, $m)) { // print $matches[1]; if (is_file("$fileroot$m[1].ads")) { preg_match('/^.+\/(.+)$/', $m[1], $m2); package_frame($m2[0], $m2[1], "$m2[1]$m[2]"); } } } }
function main_frame($here) { global $root, $fileroot, $icons; // if (!$here) $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'white'; print frame_head('black', icon('home'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root\">Home</a>"); if ($here == 'showcase') $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('showcase'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root"."showcase/\">" . "Showcase</a>"); if ($here == 'release') $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('snapshot'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root"."release/\">" . "Snapshots</a>"); if ($here == 'ada') $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('ada'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root"."ada/\">" . "Ada Source</a>"); if ($here == 'php') $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('php'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root"."php/\">" . "PHP Source</a>"); if ($here == 'fonts') $aclass = 'here'; else $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('fonts'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"$root"."fonts/\">" . "Fonts</a>"); print frame_tail($rows); }
function sf_frame($here) { global $root, $fileroot, $icons, $path; $aclass = 'white'; print frame_head('black', icon('sf'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "\">Sourceforge</a>"); $aclass = 'nav'; frame_row($rows, icon('summary'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "\">" . "Summary</a>"); frame_row($rows, icon('download'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "\">" . "Downloads</a>"); $link = ""; $filename = implode('/', $path); if (file_exists("$fileroot$filename")) $link .= $filename; elseif (file_exists("$fileroot$")) $link .= "$"; frame_row($rows, icon('cvs'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "$link\">" . "Browse CVS</a>"); frame_row($rows, icon('donate'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "\">" . "Donate</a>"); frame_row($rows, icon('activity'), "<a class=\"$aclass\" href=\"" . "\">" . "Activity</a>"); print frame_tail($rows); print "<p class=\"sourceforge\">Hosted by<br/>\n"; print '<a href="">'; print '<img src="" '; print 'width="125" height="37" border="0" alt=" Logo" /></a></p>'; }
// $array = $path; // make a local copy // array_pop($array); // remove file name nav($path, '', ''); // start recursion main_frame($path[0]); sf_frame('');