-- $Date: 2004/02/19 02:25:43 $
-- $Revision: 1.3 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $

with Strings; use Strings;

package User_Interface is

   -- Print an error message, telling the user to try --help.
   procedure Try_Help;

   -- The option with the given argument is invalid.
   procedure Invalid_Option
     (Index : in Positive); -- Print the argument at this index.

   -- There are not enough command line options.
   procedure Too_Few_Arguments;

   -- There are too many command line options.
   procedure Too_Many_Arguments;

   -- Use this to separate multiple lines in parameters for Start.
   LF : constant Character := Character'Val(10);

   -- Handling for common options like -v and -h.
   procedure Start
     (Program_Name    : in String;    -- Name of executable.
      Parameters      : in String;    -- List of parameters.
      Description     : in String;    -- What does the program do?
      Parameters_Text : in String;    -- Text for parameters.
      Extra_Options   : in String;    -- Options beyond -h, -v, -q.
      Index           : out Positive-- First unhandled parameter.
      Exit_Now        : out Boolean); -- Exit program instantly.

end User_Interface;