-- $Date: 2004/02/02 09:05:34 $
-- $Revision: 1.8 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $

with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;

package Messages is

   -- Print a message to error output, followed by a newline.
   procedure Debug
     (Text : in String); -- Print this message.

   -- Print a message to error output, no newline.
   procedure Debug2
     (Text : in String); -- Print this message.

   -- If not in quiet mode, print the program name (if non-empty) and
   -- the message text to error output, followed by a newline.
   procedure Message
     (Text : in String); -- Print this message.

   -- Print the program name (if non-empty) and the error message text
   -- to error output, followed by a newline. Set exit status to
   -- failure.
   procedure Error
     (Text : in String); -- Print this error message.

   -- Print a formatted error message for an exception.
   procedure Error
     (E : in Exception_Occurrence); -- Print this exception message.

   procedure Set_Program_Name
     (Program_Name : in String);

   function Get_Program_Name
     return String;

   procedure Set_Quiet
     (Quiet : in Boolean);

   function Get_Quiet
     return Boolean;

end Messages;