-- $Date: 2004/02/14 09:51:42 $
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $


   -- Generic type of the items to be stored.
   type Content_Type is limited private;

-- Linked list with some nice features.
-- - Private implementation: can't mess around with this.
-- - Small memory footprint: only one extra pointer per item.
-- - Built-in iterator for simple loops.
-- - Modify while iterating: insert, remove, update.
-- - Item direct iteration: unlimited parallel independent iterators.
-- - Direct access to first and last item: can add items at both ends.
-- - Cached item count.
package Limited_Lists is

   -- Instance of a list, needs to be created before it can be used.
   type List is limited private;
   type List_Access is access List;

   -- Instance of a list item. Most useful if you need multiple iterators.
   type Item;
   type Item_Access is access Item;
   type Item is limited record
      Next    : Item_Access := null;
      Content : Content_Type;
   end record;

   -- List construction

   -- Create a list.
   function Create
     return List_Access;

   -- Append a list at the end of another list. This is done by simply
   -- linking from the last item to the first item of the tail, not by
   -- copying the items of the tail. This means that if you modify the
   -- tail list later, the modifications will appear in the appended
   -- list as well.
   procedure Append
     (This : access List;  -- Append to this list.
      Tail : access List); -- Append these items at the end.

   -- Adding items

   -- Insert an item at the end of the list.
   function Push
     (This : access List-- Push into this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The newly created item.

   -- Insert an item at the beginning of the list.
   function Unshift
     (This : access List-- Unshift into this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The newly created item.

   -- Removing items

   -- Remove an item at the end of the list.
   function Pop
     (This : access List-- Pop out of this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The removed item.

   -- Remove an item at the beginning of the list.
   function Shift
     (This : access List-- Shift out of this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The removed item.

   -- Item indexing

   -- Count items in this list. This operation is not O(n) but O(1)
   -- because the result comes straight from a counter variable.
   function Count
     (This : access List-- Get information about this list.
     return Natural;      -- The number of items in the list.

   -- Is the list empty? Returns True if and only if there are no
   -- items in the list.
   function Empty
     (This : access List-- Get information about this list.
     return Boolean;      -- This list empty?

   -- Read the current iteration position as a number, starting with 1
   -- at the first item. An index of 0 means: no current item, so
   -- either we're not currently iterating or the iteration has
   -- finished.
   function Index
     (This : access List-- Get information about this list.
     return Natural;      -- Iteration index of this list.

   -- First and last item

   -- Read the first item in the list.
   function First
     (This : access List-- Read from this list.
     return Content_Type-- The first item.

   -- Read the last item in the list.
   function Last
     (This : access List-- Read from this list.
     return Content_Type-- The last item.

   -- Iterating over a list

   -- Reset the iteration index to 0. This starts a new
   -- iteration. There must be a call to Next before the first item
   -- can be read from the function Current.
   procedure Reset
     (This : access List); -- The list to iterate over.

   -- Go to the next item.
   procedure Next
     (This : access List); -- The list to iterate over.

   -- Go to the next item. Returns False if and only if we reached the
   -- end of the list.
   function Next
     (This : access List-- The list to iterate over.
     return Boolean;      -- Successfully moved to next item?

   -- Is the a next item available? Returns False if the current item
   -- is the last one in the list.
   function Next_Available
     (This : access List-- The list to iterate over.
     return Boolean;      -- Next item available?

   -- Get the content of the next item.
   function Next_Content
     (This : access List-- The list to iterate over.
     return Content_Type-- The content of the next item.

   -- End of list reached? Returns True if and only if the current
   -- item pointer is null. This also occurs after calling Reset but
   -- before calling Next.
   function End_Of_List
     (This : access List-- The list to iterate over.
     return Boolean;      -- Reached end of list?

   -- Read the item at the current iteration pointer.
   function Current
     (This : access List-- The list to iterate over.
     return Content_Type-- Current item.

   -- Manipulating a list while iterating

   -- Remove the item at the current iteration pointer from the list.
   procedure Remove_Current
     (This : access List); -- The list to modify.

   -- Insert an item directly before the item at the current iteration
   -- pointer.
   function Insert_Before_Current
     (This : access List-- The list to modify.
     return Item_Access;  -- The newly created item.

   -- Insert an item directly after the item at the current iteration
   -- pointer.
   function Insert_After_Current
     (This : access List-- The list to modify.
     return Item_Access;  -- The newly created item.

   -- Item direct iteration

   -- Get the first item of the list.
   function First_Item
     (This : access List-- Read from this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The first item.

   -- Get the last item of the list.
   function Last_Item
     (This : access List-- Read from this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The last item.

   -- Get the current iteration item of the list.
   function Current_Item
     (This : access List-- Read from this list.
     return Item_Access;  -- The last item.

   -- Go to the next item.
   procedure Next_Item
     (This : in out Item_Access); -- Advance this item.

   -- Get the next item.
   function Next_Item
     (This : access Item-- Get this item's successor.
     return Item_Access;  -- The successor of the input item.

   -- Returns True if and only if the item pointer is null. This
   -- happens after the last item in the list.
   function Item_Invalid
     (This : in Item_Access-- The iterating list item.
     return Boolean;         -- Reached end of list?

   -- Compare two items (not the contents but the pointers).
   function Item_Equals
     (This  : in Item_Access-- Compare this item.
      Other : in Item_Access-- To that other item.
     return Boolean;          -- True if the pointers are the same.

   -- Read an item's content.
   function Item_Content
     (This : access Item-- Read content from this item.
     return Content_Type-- Content of this item.

   -- Remove an item from the list and advance the item pointer.
   procedure Remove_Item
     (Previous : in Item_Access;     -- May be null if removing first.
      This     : in out Item_Access-- Remove and advance this item.
      Context  : access List);       -- Remove the item from this list.


   type List is record
      Count   : Natural := 0; -- Number of items in the list.
      Index   : Natural := 0; -- Index of current item while iterating.
      First   : Item_Access;  -- First item in the list.
      Last    : Item_Access;  -- Last item in the list.
      Prev    : Item_Access;  -- Previous item while iterating.
      Current : Item_Access;  -- Current item while iterating.
      Next    : Item_Access;  -- Next item while iterating.
   end record;

end Limited_Lists;