-- $Date: 2004/02/14 02:23:40 $
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $


   -- Generic type of keys to access items.
   type Key_Type is limited private;

   -- Generic type of the items to be stored.
   type Item_Type is limited private;

   with function Hash
     (Key : in Key_Type;
      Max : in Positive)
     return Positive
     is <>;

   with function Equal
     (Left, Right : in Key_Type)
     return Boolean
     is <>;

-- Versatile implementation of hash tables.
-- - Generic to allow all kinds of content.
-- - Variable size (always prime).
package Limited_Hash_Tables is

   -- Performance tuning parameters.
   Default_Start_Size  : constant := 13;
   Max_Fill_Percentage : constant := 60;

   -- Storage for hash table data.
   type Pair is limited record
      Key  : Key_Type;
      Item : Item_Type;
   end record;

   -- Access type for pairs.
   type Pair_Access is access Pair;

   type Hash_Table(Size : Positive) is private;

   -- Instance of a hash table.
   -- Needs to be created before it can be used.
   type Hash_Table_Access is access Hash_Table;

   -- Construction

   -- Create a new hash table with the given table size.
   function Create
     (Size : in Positive := Default_Start_Size) -- Make room for this many pairs.
     return Hash_Table_Access;                  -- The newly created hash table.

   -- The given key already exists in the hash table.
   Key_Exists : exception;

   -- Check for available space in the table, grow if necessary, then
   -- insert the pair into the table. Raises Key_Exists if the key is
   -- already in use.
   procedure Put
     (This : in out Hash_Table_Access-- Add pair to this hash table.
      Pair : in Pair_Access);          -- Insert this pair.

   -- Indexed access

   -- Get the index of a given key.
   procedure Get_Index
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Get key from this hash table.
      Key   : in Key_Type;       -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
      Index : out Positive;      -- The index of the requested key.
      Found : out Boolean);      -- True if the key was found.

   -- The given key was not found in the hash table.
   -- Raised by Get_Index.
   Key_Not_Found : exception;

   -- Get the index of a given key.
   function Get_Index
     (This : access Hash_Table-- Get key from this hash table.
      Key  : in Key_Type)       -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
     return Positive;           -- The index of the requested key.

   -- Get the pair at a given index position.
   function Get_Pair
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Get pair from this hash table.
      Index : in Positive)       -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
     return Pair_Access;         -- The requested pair.

   -- Get the key at a given index position.
   function Get_Key
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Get key from this hash table.
      Index : in Positive)       -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
     return Key_Type;            -- The requested key.

   -- Get the item at a given index position.
   function Get_Item
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Get item from this hash table.
      Index : in Positive)       -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
     return Item_Type;           -- The requested item.

   -- Iterating

   -- Iterate over the items in the table. You should start with an
   -- Index of 0 and stop iterating as soon as Index is 0 again.
   procedure Next
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Iterate through this hash table.
      Index : in out Natural);   -- Iteration pointer to the current field.

   -- Iterate over the items in the table. You should start with an
   -- Index of 0 and stop iterating as soon as Index is 0 again.
   procedure Get_Next
     (This  : access Hash_Table-- Get pair from this hash table.
      Index : in out Natural;    -- Iteration pointer to the current field.
      Pair  : out Pair_Access);  -- The pair at the updated index position.

   -- Performance debugging

   -- Print a visual representation of the hash table's usage. Empty
   -- fields are represented by a '-' character, used fields by '#'.
   procedure Print_Usage
     (This : access Hash_Table); -- Print usage of this hash table.


   type Pair_Array is array(Positive range <>) of Pair_Access;

   type Hash_Table(Size : Positive) is
         Count : Natural;
         Pairs : Pair_Array(1 .. Size);
      end record;

end Limited_Hash_Tables;