-- $Date: 2004/02/14 06:21:16 $
-- $Revision: 1.3 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $

with XML_Readers; use XML_Readers;
with XML_Writers; use XML_Writers;

package Music.MusicXML is

   -- Read music data from an XML reader.
   function Read_Music
     (XML   : access XML_Reader-- Use this XML reader.
      Final : in String)         -- The current element's closing tag.
     return Music_Data_Access;   -- The newly created music data.

   -- Write music data to an XML writer.
   procedure Write_Music
     (XML  : access XML_Writer;             -- Use this XML writer.
      This : access Music_Data'Class); -- Write this music data.

end Music.MusicXML;