-- $Date: 2004/03/08 11:05:10 $
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $
-- $Hash: 5b7e7a07fb857a69c24755e4788786d4 $

-- This file was automatically created with ado.php.
-- Manual changes will be lost when it is updated.

package body Words is

   -- Constructor for instances.
   function Create
     return Words_Access -- The newly created words.
      Result : Words_Access := new Words;
      return Result;
   end Create;

   -- Mutator to update the lang of a words.
   procedure Set_Lang
     (This : access Words-- The words to be updated.
      Lang : in String) is -- The new lang of that words.
      To_String_Access(Lang, This.Lang);
   end Set_Lang;

   -- Accessor to read the lang of a words.
   function Get_Lang
     (This : access Words-- The words to read from.
     return String is      -- The lang of that words.
      return To_String(This.Lang);
   end Get_Lang;

   -- Mutator to update the relative x of a words.
   procedure Set_Relative_X
     (This       : access Words;  -- The words to be updated.
      Relative_X : in Integer) is -- The new relative x of that words.
      This.Relative_X := Relative_X;
   end Set_Relative_X;

   -- Accessor to read the relative x of a words.
   function Get_Relative_X
     (This : access Words-- The words to read from.
     return Integer is     -- The relative x of that words.
      return This.Relative_X;
   end Get_Relative_X;

   -- Mutator to update the relative y of a words.
   procedure Set_Relative_Y
     (This       : access Words;  -- The words to be updated.
      Relative_Y : in Integer) is -- The new relative y of that words.
      This.Relative_Y := Relative_Y;
   end Set_Relative_Y;

   -- Accessor to read the relative y of a words.
   function Get_Relative_Y
     (This : access Words-- The words to read from.
     return Integer is     -- The relative y of that words.
      return This.Relative_Y;
   end Get_Relative_Y;

   -- Mutator to update the text of a words.
   procedure Set_Text
     (This : access Words-- The words to be updated.
      Text : in String) is -- The new text of that words.
      To_String_Access(Text, This.Text);
   end Set_Text;

   -- Accessor to read the text of a words.
   function Get_Text
     (This : access Words-- The words to read from.
     return String is      -- The text of that words.
      return To_String(This.Text);
   end Get_Text;

end Words;