-- $Date: 2004/02/23 08:35:20 $
-- $Revision: 1.16 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $

with Real_Numbers; use Real_Numbers;
with Glyphs; use Glyphs;
with Glyph_Images; use Glyph_Images;

-- High efficiency anti-aliasing glyph renderer.
package Render_Glyphs is

   -- Create a raster image of this glyph with the given resolution.
   function Render
     (This         : access Glyph;     -- The glyph to be rendered.
      Staff_Height : in Real := 1.0;   -- Zoom factor.
      Aspect_Ratio : in Real := 1.0;   -- Extra horizontal zoom factor.
      Anti_Alias   : in Positive := 1) -- Anti-alias factor.
     return Glyph_Image_Access;        -- The resulting gray image.

end Render_Glyphs;