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with Gray_Images; use Gray_Images;
with Real_Numbers; use Real_Numbers;
with Real_Vectors; use Real_Vectors;
with Interfaces;
package Glyph_Images is
type Glyph_Image(Width, Height : Positive) is
new Gray_Image(Width, Height) with
Anti_Alias : Positive := 4;
Center : Vector;
end record;
type Glyph_Image_Access is access Glyph_Image;
function Bounds_To_Image
(Bounds : in Rectangle;
Staff_Height : in Real;
Aspect_Ratio : in Real := 1.0)
return Glyph_Image_Access;
procedure Black_Box
(This : access Glyph_Image;
X1, X2 : in Real;
Y1, Y2 : in Real);
end Glyph_Images;