-- $Date: 2004/02/02 08:56:22 $
-- $Revision: 1.8 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $

with Real_Numbers; use Real_Numbers;
with Glyphs; use Glyphs;

-- Reading and writing Encapsulated PostScript.
package EPS is

   -- Read a glyph from a file.
   function Read
     (Filename : in String-- Read from this file.
     return Glyph_Access;   -- The newly created glyph.

   -- Read a glyph from current input.
   function Read
     return Glyph_Access-- The newly created glyph.

   -- Write a glyph to a file.
   procedure Write
     (This      : access Glyph;         -- Write this glyph.
      Filename  : in String;            -- Write to this file.
      Tolerance : in Real;              -- Tolerance level.
      Debug     : in Boolean := False); -- Add red boxes?

   -- Write a glyph to current output.
   procedure Write
     (This      : access Glyph;         -- Write this glyph.
      Tolerance : in Real;              -- Tolerance level.
      Debug     : in Boolean := False); -- Add red boxes?

end EPS;