-- $Date: 2004/03/08 10:50:55 $
-- $Revision: 1.7 $
-- $Author: jcrocholl $
-- $Hash: dd2d969ef0868595feefe1f97944685c $

-- This file was automatically created with ado.php.
-- Manual changes will be lost when it is updated.

with Integer_Strings; use Integer_Strings;

package body Printers.PGM is

   -- Constructor for instances.
   function Create
     (Filename : in String)    -- The initial filename.
     return PGM_Printer_Access -- The newly created pgm printer.
      Result : PGM_Printer_Access := new PGM_Printer;
      To_String_Access(Filename, Result.Filename);
      return Result;
   end Create;

   function Get_Format
     (This : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
     return String is            -- Maximum of four characters.
      return "PGM";
   end Get_Format;

   procedure Set_Bounds
     (This         : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Bounds       : in Rectangle;       -- The new bounding box.
      Staff_Height : in Real)            -- Output zoom factor.
      type Parent_Access is access all Printer;
      Set_Bounds(Parent_Access(This), Bounds, Staff_Height);
      This.Image := Bounds_To_Image(This.Bounds, Staff_Height);
      Fill(This.Image, White);
   end Set_Bounds;

   procedure Print_Staff_Lines
     (This : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      H      : Natural;
      H1, H2 : Natural;
      Line_Y : Integer;
      H := Natural(This.Image.Staff_Height / 40.0);
      if H > 0 then H := H - 1; end if;
      H1 := H / 2;
      H2 := H - H1;
      for Index in -2 .. 2 loop
         Line_Y := Integer(This.Image.Center.Y + This.Image.Staff_Height / 4.0 * Real(Index));
         for Y in Line_Y - H1 .. Line_Y + H2 loop
            if Y in This.Image.Pixels'Range(1) then
               for X in This.Image.Pixels'Range(2) loop
                  This.Image.Pixels(Y, X) := 0;
               end loop;
            end if;
         end loop;
      end loop;
   end Print_Staff_Lines;

   procedure Print
     (This   : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Add    : access Glyph;       -- Add this glyph.
      Center : in Vector) is       -- Center coordinates.
      Glyphs.Print(Add, This.Image, Center);
   end Print;

   procedure To_Pixels
     (This   : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Box    : in Rectangle;       -- Convert this box.
      Left   : out Integer;        -- Horizontal minimum.
      Top    : out Integer;        -- Vertical minimum.
      Right  : out Integer;        -- Horizontal maximum.
      Bottom : out Integer)        -- Vertical maximum.
      Width, Height : Integer;
      Left := Integer(This.Image.Center.X + Box.Left * This.Image.Staff_Height / 400.0);
      Top := Integer(This.Image.Center.Y + Box.Top * This.Image.Staff_Height / 400.0);

      Width := Integer(Get_Width(Box) * This.Image.Staff_Height / 400.0);
      Height := Integer(Get_Height(Box) * This.Image.Staff_Height / 400.0);

      Right := Left + Width;
      Bottom := Top + Height;

      -- if Left < This.Image.Pixels'First(2) then Left := This.Image.Pixels'First(2); end if;
      -- if Top < This.Image.Pixels'First(1) then Top := This.Image.Pixels'First(1); end if;
      -- if Right > This.Image.Pixels'Last(2) then Right := This.Image.Pixels'Last(2); end if;
      -- if Bottom > This.Image.Pixels'Last(1) then Bottom := This.Image.Pixels'Last(1); end if;

      -- Debug("box: " &
      --   To_String(Left) & " " & To_String(Top) & " " &
      --   To_String(Right) & " " & To_String(Bottom));
   end To_Pixels;

   procedure Darken_Pixel
     (This  : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Y, X  : in Integer;         -- Darken this pixel.
      Color : in Gray_Pixel)      -- Desired color.
      use type Gray_Images.Gray_Pixel;
      if Y in This.Image.Pixels'Range(1)
        and X in This.Image.Pixels'Range(2)
         if This.Image.Pixels(Y, X) > Color then
            This.Image.Pixels(Y, X) := Color;
         end if;
      end if;
   end Darken_Pixel;

   procedure Frame_Box
     (This  : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Box   : in Rectangle;       -- Box coordinates.
      Color : in Gray_Pixel)      -- Use this color.
      Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Integer;
      To_Pixels(This, Box, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);

      for X in Left .. Right loop
         Darken_Pixel(This, Top, X, Color);
         Darken_Pixel(This, Bottom, X, Color);
      end loop;

      for Y in Top .. Bottom loop
         Darken_Pixel(This, Y, Left, Color);
         Darken_Pixel(This, Y, Right, Color);
      end loop;
   end Frame_Box;

   procedure Fill_Box
     (This  : access PGM_Printer-- The pgm printer object instance.
      Box   : in Rectangle;       -- Box coordinates.
      Color : in Gray_Pixel)      -- Use this color.
      Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Integer;
      To_Pixels(This, Box, Left, Top, Right, Bottom);

      for X in Left .. Right loop
         for Y in Top .. Bottom loop
            Darken_Pixel(This, Y, X, Color);
         end loop;
      end loop;
   end Fill_Box;

   procedure Write
     (This : access PGM_Printer) is -- The pgm printer object instance.
      Write(To_String(This.Filename), This.Image);
      -- Minimum : Real := 12000.0;
      -- Optimum : Real := 12000.0;
      -- Bounds : Rectangle; -- Bounds of the result image.
      -- Estimate_Width(This.Stave_Box, Minimum, Optimum);
      -- Bounds := (0.0, -5000.0, Optimum, 5000.0);
      -- Image := Bounds_To_Image(Bounds, Staff_Height);
      -- Debug(To_String(Image.Width));
      -- Debug(To_String(Image.Height));
      -- Background(Image);
      -- Render_Staff_Lines(This, Image);
   end Write;

end Printers.PGM;